Post Surgery Breast Explant Update - The Morning After

First and foremost, thank-you for all the positive words, prayers, check-ins.. I felt the good vibes all day long. It helped calm my nerves before surgery and was nice to read all the comments after taking a very long nap yesterday.

After I woke up from sleeping off the anesthesia and meds, I had such a wonderful feeling with a clear mind and just hopeful energy.

With all that energy, I still have to basically just sit in the recliner all day. I have drains and those combined with my reconstructive surgery means no lifting, no pushing, pulling- this will be for several weeks. I’m not used to being waited on, but Chris and the kids have been wonderful. I’m going to make myself just let go of the control and embrace their loving help. This is my permission to slow down and rest.

I have a nice little set up with books, water, magazines, my pillow to prop my dishes or books on as needed. It’s quiet with the kids out of the house for school during the day so I have enjoyed napping and lots of reading. Something I love to do, but never seem to find the time.

We left a post op check up this morning and everything looks wonderful according to the doctor. At this appoint they changed my dressings and put me into a very snug compression bra, which I will stay in for about 6 weeks all day and night. Chris got a good look at my chest and there were no squirms or flinches, so I am taking that as a good sign. I have not taken a good look at my new body, but will in time. For now, I will take it very easy this weekend and return Monday for a check-up.