No Change, No Growth!

At the start of the new year, we tend to reflect and reset. I have never been one to create a New Year's resolution, but rather reflect on where I have grown and areas I want to continue to foster and develop.

This past year was pivotal for me in terms of personal development, but it only makes me want more. Changing perspective and mindset during challenging times wasn't easy and is still a process in progress, but when I step back and reflect, I love where this personal growth has brought me and I desire more. Change is GOOD- not easy, but worth it! 

One of the areas I have really focused growth is in the area of mindset, power of positivity and personal mantras. One that I keep coming back to is 'No change, no growth." This works for me in all aspects - my my relationships, my work, my fitness goals... How we speak to ourselves is so important. When you are feeling your glass is half empty, shifting your mindset is easy and beneficial- and can be easier if you have a mantra or two to speak to yourself. 

We will dive into this more over the next couple months (lots of content coming up on this and my journey of shifting mindset in Avpaure’s Green Beauty and Beyond) but in the meantime, I want you to think about your mantra and share in the comments. Let's ring in 2020 full of positivity.
